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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

So long, farwell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye to 2008

What a year it has been! It began with a exciting start and ended that way as well. This certainly has been a year of growing and learning. We went from my car being stolen in January, to buying a new house, to me changing jobs, to Stephen leaving for a year to be in Iraq, to us finding out that we are expecting a baby, and so many other things in between!

Christmas was a blast and I have to say, I made out pretty well. I think the fact that my husband is in Iraq and I am getting a bigger prego belly helped with some sympathy gifts! And the baby is already getting his or her fair share! Thanks again to everyone!

Even Stephen sent me a gift! It arrived the night before Christmas Eve (so Christmas Eve's Eve) and I was able to open it with him on the video chat. That man is amazing! He knows EXACTLY what I like! He got me new shoes! Perfect fit and everything! Thank you Stephen; you are THE SWEETEST HUSBAND EVER!

I have to say it was hard without Stephen here, but as always family kept me nice an busy on Christmas Day. Now as for the day after... everyone left me! Yes, both my side of the family and Stephen's side of the family left for vacation. I must say I was quite jealous that I wasn't tagging along! But saving up my vacation time for when Stephen gets home is a much better choice. Also snow skiing would not have been the wisest choice with my balance already being off!

So what did I do? I went shopping! I found the most amazing deals! Unfortunately, one of the purchases that I really wanted to make I could not. I FINALLY was going to get my dining table for Christmas! I have had my eye on this table for a very, very long time. I would go by the store and check on it frequently, sometimes every week! Hoping that it would go on sale or that I would finally break down and make the purchase. In November Stephen said that I should get it for Christmas... I loved the idea and could not have picked a better gift! So, I decided to stop stalking the store and wait. So when I walked in right before Christmas, with my tape measure in hand and on a joyous mission, I was like a kid in a candy shop! The sales people greeted me and several had asked where I had been, and commented that they had not seen me in a while... yes, like I said I stalked this table! After searching the store, I calmly asked where they put my table, as I know they keep several in stock in their warehouse. It was gone! Discontinued and sold out! Needless to say I was devastated! This was the table our little family was going to eat at and share countless memories! And it was gone! After some long chats with my buddies there at the store they agreed to try to find me one. They made some calls to the buyer and the manufacturer searching for just one. After Christmas they called me to let me know that there were no more to be found. So, the lesson learned here today is IMPULSE BUY!!! No, on a serious note, I may have been a little too excited about something so material. And that should not have been a reason to be joyous for Christmas. Jesus brings me true joy and He is the reason we celebrate!

So, I will still get my table, but instead of buying it and taking the easy way out, Stephen has offered to make it for me. If you have ever seen some of the items that Stephen and his father have made you would agree that this is the best option anyways. So I will just keep my empty dining room (or ballroom) for a while.

As I continue to try to keep my self busy I have also been doing a little sewing. I have decided to finally make the curtains for some of my bare windows. I can only enjoy the white fake wood blinds for so long. So far I have done a set for my bathroom window and for the front living room windows. The empty dining room windows are next! I forget how much I enjoy sewing! Maybe, if I get really good I can make some items for our sweet little baby! Lucky for me, the poor soul won't be able to say "Mommy, why is this so crooked?" And Stephen knows better than to say anything but that he loves it.

Praise the Lord for Christmas! Praise the Lord for my sweet husband! Praise the Lord for my wonderful sewing machine! And Praise the Lord for 2008!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Is it really almost Christmas?

It sure doesn’t feel like Christmas at our house. Don’t get me wrong the tree is up and all the presents are wrapped, but the love of my life is half way around the world. But have no fear; Stephen will be home in 44 days! Yes, I have been counting for a while now. So we will get to celebrate Valentine’s Day together!

Santa can't bring me what I need,
Cause all I want for Christmas is Stephen!

(I do find myself breaking out in this remix very frequently)

One of the great blessings that we have had with Stephen being gone is video chat. Normally I don’t embrace technology as fast as others do, but if it means getting to see my husband, I am all for it. We typically get to video chat several times a week, and boy does it make all the difference in the world! Stephen also gets to talk to his parents and sister since they too have a built in camera, so that makes things better for the whole family!

Stephen is doing well over there, just keeping busy with work. He has actually been working out and has lost about 15 pounds already! He is losing it, and I am gaining it! What a deal!

Not too busy lately; mostly just running around trying to shop for Christmas items, and sleeping (of course). I did make it to the 2nd and 3rd ornament exchange of the year, and made it out of there with some good lookin’ ornaments. Unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures of the home group ornament exchange, but was able to snap a few at the family exchange.

Natalie and I of course had to compare bellies again. Since she is getting so close we may only have a few more of these… then we will start with the pictures of the babies OUT of our bellies.

Praise the Lord for video chat! Praise the Lord for ornament exchanges! And Praise the Lord that he sent His Son!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Busy as a Bee

Well, I haven’t been too busy… just busy sleeping most of the time! But busy none the less. I figure that on the inside, with this baby bakin’, I am staying really busy! Some amazing thing happened this past week! I had my first doctor’s appointment and my little sister had her baby, Delaney! God sure does know how to bless this soon to be mama!

Thursday, the 4th, was baby day! I got to see my baby for the first time and heard the sweet little heartbeat. My mother-in-love, Jenny, got to go with me since Stephen is on the other side of the world. What an amazing time this was for me. And so far so good! I even survived the blood work; no crying or passing out! (This was a first!) I am convinced- this baby is going to make me tough! Except for the fact that I cried several times that day just from pure bliss! Stephen, the sweetest husband ever, sent a little gift for me after the appointment. This touched my heart in so many ways! Thank you Stephen, this baby has no idea yet of what a wonderful man you are! I am so excited that I get to share the joy of raising this child with you!

And my official due date is July 11th!

Here are the pictures of our cute little one! I hope he or she has Stephen’s eyes!

So, as I said before, Anna and Jacob were married the day before Thanksgiving! Here is a picture right after the “I do’s”.

Then on Friday morning Anna went into labor. Actually I think she was in labor all night, but she went to the hospital early that morning and had Delaney by 11:39am. Everything went great and they were able to go home on Saturday.

Delaney Rosemary Brown
December 5th, 2008 – 11:39 am
7 pounds 11 ounces
20 inches long

This weekend I also went to the first of three ornament exchanges. Fun, fun, fun! There is one every weekend for three weeks straight! Let me tell you, that is the way to celebrate Christmas!

Here are me and Natalie showing off our prego bellies and enjoying some yummy fried pickles! She actually looks cute with her belly, I just look pudgy!

It has been so much fun being pregnant at the same time as Natalie. She always has great advice. And I am so excited that our kids will get to be great buds! Natalie, I am very blessed to call you family and a friend!

Praise the Lord for sonograms! Praise the Lord for baby heartbeats! Praise the Lord for Delaney! Praise the Lord for ornament exchanges! Praise the Lord for family and friends! And Praise the Lord for fried pickles!