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Monday, December 7, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy 2 months Tripp!

I cannot believe that he is already 2 months old!
Here are some pictures from when Tripp was 2 weeks old! More recent ones to come once I download them off of my camera.

Monday, July 13, 2009

John Stephen Stadler III "Tripp"

He is FINALLY here and just so perfect!

John Stephen Stadler III
July 3, 2009 at 3:42 pm
8 lbs 8 oz & 20 3/4" long



Praise the Lord for our son Tripp!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Here are a few pictures from Stephen's Iraq Adventure...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Weekend Adventure

This past weekend we had a blast, got to see lots of family and just enjoyed being semi normal again with my husband being back in the country. I even took Monday off so that we could spend time together and go to our doctor’s appointments to see how our little one is doing. By the way, the placenta has moved and we are in the clear… the road block for Tripp has been moved! Praise the Lord!

Saturday was a great morning; we woke up to the soft rain coming down and slowly moved around to start our day. We grabbed breakfast and headed to Costco to get there right as they were opening to get some ink… yes we drove all the way to Costco to walk out of there with only ink in our hands. (Don’t worry; we were back on Sunday to do the real damage). Then we were off to pick up Stephen’s mom and dad and headed out to look at some property. We made the little drive to Decatur and had lunch at the Armadillo Grill, then looked at the building that Stephen and his dad are thinking of for the business. And then off to Sunset, Texas, to take a look at some beautiful land.

That morning Stephen and I had a conversation… I warned him that we would drive out to this property to look around and would get stuck in the mud, but he reassured me that we wouldn’t (Remember the whole woke up to rain part, well it had rained ALL NIGHT LONG). So of course… WE GOT STUCK IN THE MUD! It was quite fun actually. Me – 8 months pregnant, stuck on a 80 acre piece of property in the middle of almost no where… and my child was right on my bladder. But I have come along way in our 3 ½ years of marriage, I didn’t get mad or even upset, I just laughed it off. Here are some pictures to show you how the story unfolds…

The beautiful drive back to the property...

The entrance to the property....

Doesn't look so bad...

What a sight... at least we got to really see the property....

Stephen getting out to see how stuck we really are...

Here I am assessing the damage...

Yes, that is me in the driver's seat... trying to get us unstuck...

Attempting to find something... anything that would help....

We're Rescued at last!

Praise the Lord for fun adventures!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So, last weekend my sweet husband came home! Yes, it was a surprise to some of his family, but not to me… I was keeping the secret (well as best I could). Jenny on the other hand was completely blown away. He flew in on Saturday and then was able to spend Mother’s Day with me! That was the perfect gift!
Unfortunately I have no pictures from that day since I was pretty much attached to Stephen’s hip, not to mention the fact that this prego momma was physically and emotionally worn out by the end of it all.
I know that he is more than glad to be home and already back to normal.

Praise the Lord for Mothers! Praise the Lord for safe trips home! And Praise the Lord for my husband!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Today Tripp and I were truly blessed by our friends and family! My sweet sister in loves threw Tripp and I a baby shower. How fun and amazing it was!!! Here are some pictures to show you how much fun it was!

Praise the Lord for such amazing family and friends! And Praise the Lord for this wonderful reason to celebrate... Tripp!