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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hello Mr. Oxy Clean!

It seems quite funny to me that this pregnancy is causing me to have issues eating, the issue being not getting it all to my mouth. It is probably not due to the fact that I am pregnant… but everything really gets that excuse right now. Everyday without fail I seem to drip, drop, or rub my belly up against something. You don’t realize how many times I misjudge my size while standing next to the counter and end up getting stuff all over my belly. And then half the time I don’t even notice because I can’t see the bottom side of this huge melon. But thank goodness for yummy food!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I know this is a delayed post, but I couldn't leave out Easter! I got to spend part with both sides of the family. Here is some pictures from my day of fun!

Beautiful flowers from my Mother and Father!

Praise the Lord for Easter! Christ is risen!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Race Weekend!

For those of you that don't know, I work in the office buildings at the Texas Motor Speedway. So with this past weekend being race weekend, there was quite a buzz around the office... literally... the windows vibrate!

Here is a picture out my window of the Friday before the race, I sit right by turn 2. It was like a picture out of a where's Waldo book. You probably can't see, but there is this school bus painted black with "Redneck Ramada" painted on the side... classy huh?

And here it is Monday after the races:

Another great part is that my Uncle and his band came to play at the campgrounds at TMS, so they stayed with me and we got to see them play Saturday night.

Praise the Lord for a safe race weekend!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


If you ask my husband he will tell you how much I love to check things off of my lists. One of my other things that I now love is to count things down! Somehow keeping track of getting closer to my goals really seems to motivate me.

As of today there are…
5 more weeks until I FINALLY graduate from A&M (this one has been a long, long time coming)
7 more weeks until Stephen gets on that plane to head on home!!!
14 more weeks until my sweet baby boy, Tripp is here!!!

Unfortunately, it seems as though I am literally watching the clock, and the time seems to be slowing down. After having several contractions last week the doctor told me to stay off of my feet as much as possible. No shopping, cooking or cleaning… so sitting and watching the clock has become my new hobby. My previous goal of staying as busy as possible to try to make time move a little faster has backfired! I am trying to do anything I can while having my feet propped on the coffee table… I mean seriously, there are only so many good shows on television. Luckily I can still go to work and can prop my feet up there, the daily change of scenery is nice, but it is work. I have been hand stitching a rug for Tripp’s room (almost done, picture below)and even done some scrap booking. We will see how long this already nesting mother stays put on the couch! The contractions have slowed down and are not as bad, but they are still coming.

Here are some updated pictures of Tripp's room:

Here is the rug... almost done with it. Furry on one side, denim on the other, with a gingham border.

Luckily for me, I had some sweet visitors this week for dinner... the Muncys!

Praise the Lord for countdowns! And Praise the Lord for relaxation!