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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today’s Menu:

I thought I would keep a diet diary so that I could see what all I am putting into this body that is growing so fast. I thought that it may help me to make better, healthier choices for me and my little bambino. Well, I started this morning and I have decided to quit already. This is too much work! I eat ALL DAY LONG! It is like I never get full, it is actually quite amazing really. This would be the prime time to enter an eating contest.

So here it goes…

Bowl of oatmeal
Bottle of water

A mixed berry yogurt
An ENTIRE bag of popcorn
Bottle of water

Dr. Pepper (my one caffeine drink for the day)
Taco Bueno Beef Burrito add EXTRA tomatoes

1 Colby Jack cheese stick
Can of ginger ale
3 El Fudge cookies
1 orange
3 more El Fudge cookies… I love those little Keebler Elves!

I am contemplating that right now…

Praise the Lord for food! And Praise the Lord that I am feeding two!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am not the biggest looser!

Well, I had another check up today... and little Tripp is healthy, maybe even hearty! There is the point of every appointment where you slowly get on the scale and see how much you and your baby have grown. Over the past 4 weeks, Tripp and I have GROWN!!! As I saw her move that dial to the next weight bracket, I gasped! I GAINED WHAT!?!?! I gave her this look like I was shocked... she replied "Oh, don't look at me!" I wanted to ask her if I could leave my pee sample first and then reweigh. As of my last appointment I had only gained 7 pounds since that little boy had started growing inside of me. Now add 12 pounds to that! I know what everyone says, don't worry about your weight, just as long as that baby is healthy! Well he is healthy alright! So, Mom, I know how you are always worried about me not eating enough... see like I said, "I am eating!"

When it all comes down to it, I really don't care at all about the weight... it is just so shocking! So this week, I am not the biggest looser, but I may qualify for the biggest winner!

Not only did I get this exciting news about my weight, but I also got to make the rest of my appointments! They must know how much I love to plan! So I will be there every other week until the last month and then we will be there every week. Yeah! I just can't get enough of hearing that little heartbeat!

Praise the Lord for our healthy baby boy!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect...

I got a chance to have my sweet nephews over to spend the night on Friday. Practice makes perfect, right? And I need all I can get... especially with boys! We had a blast... loading up on sugar, staying up late watching movies, waking up early (some how I thought staying up late would make them want to sleep in... nope), waffles and syrup... and more syrup... it was a blast!

Praise the Lord for boys!

100 Days to Go!

Yes, I am counting! Stephen will be home in 100 days! And now that we are at the 100 day mark... it's all down hill from here, right? And Tripp is due only 17 days after that! So, that makes it about 14 weeks until my sweet husband returns to me. It is funny because we seem to be growing that much closer everyday even though we are so far apart. God has been really working on both of us and showing us a lot through it all. The great news is that we decided that Stephen won't be going back to Iraq once Tripp is born. While I am sure we could do it if we had to, we don't feel that is where God is leading us. So you know what that means... someone to share diaper duty with!

If I didn't mention it before, we will be naming our sweet son John Stephen Stadler III and call him Tripp. Before Stephen left the work began on Tripp's room, and his father just finished it... well we finished the "big" project... I have my little list still to go. Look how stinkin' cute it is...

The initials will be painted white and go above the crib. I just LOVE the room already... can't wait until my little son is here to enjoy it!

Here is one of the sweet gifts from my sweet husband... our new table! Yes, we found one we loved, so Stephen is just going to build the benches to go with it.

Praise the Lord for only 100 days left! Praise the Lord for Tripp's sweet room! And Praise the Lord for my amazing husband!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our new addition...

Shortly after Stephen got home we decided to get a new addition to help transport our growing family... a 2009 black chevy 4 door 2500 HD Silverado 4x4 3/4 ton TRUCK! It is oh so pretty and so much fun to drive... and as long as you are willing to park way at the back of the parking lots (well at least that is where I park it). Please take note of the nerf bars... these were much needed being prego, but the best part is that I shocked Stephen with my bargaining skills. Yes, I talked these guys down on the price and got free installation. See honey, I do save you so much money!

And the best part, the hottie in the driver seat! I couldn't help but singing that country song to him every time we rode around in it... you know... "I'm a country boy, I got a 4 wheel drive..."
Praise the Lord for my handsome husband and his new truck!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stephen goes to Iraq –Part 2

Sunday was a sad day at the Stadler house; I reluctantly drove my sweet husband back to the airport to catch his flight back to Iraq (well Frankfurt, Amman, and then Baghdad). We had an amazing time while he was home and were able to squeeze so much into those 3 weeks. Stephen is probably thankful that he is back and can finally get some rest. I talked to him this morning and he arrived safe and sound… just completely exhausted. It is mighty strange knowing that next time I see him face to face we will be days away from having our son! He thought I was getting big now… just wait honey… I am going to be huge!

Praise the Lord for great times with my sweet husband!