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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

Well, this has been a wonderful weekend and we have enjoyed it from beginning to end. Friday was my sister Lis' birthday... Happy birthday Lis!!! It started it all out with me taking some time off in the morning to run around with Stephen for a few hours. We "made freedom count" and went to vote early. Now you can be sure that if the wrong person gets into office that I will be sure to be the one complaining. I figure you can't complain unless you vote, if you vote you can complain all you want, right?

Friday evening we spent sometime with the Law... well the in-laws that is. We had a wonderful dinner at Don Mateos in Roanoke. Yum! I think that our favorite thing to do is eat and hang out with each other. And we are so good at both!

Saturday morning started with getting the house ready. Since Stephen will be gone for a while he feels the need to get everything done for me that I might not be able to do. So his dad came over and we made a fun trip to Home Depot. They have so many fun items! As you can see here I thought these items might be nice ear muffs. Apparently the guys were not as enthusiastic as I was with this find. They are actually covers for the outside faucets that I will need to put them on in the winter when it gets cold - well that is their main purpose... luckily I have a great imagination! Well we got a lot of items marked off on Stephen's honey do list. So it was very productive. And I love productive days!

Then there was another great Red Socks game which they won again!

Later that day we all gathered at Tiff and Marc's for the Pumpkin carving party. There were some serious looking pumpkins out there. We took on a tough 100 piece puzzle and we won. Fall is in full swing!

Today we took it pretty easy... well at least I did. Stephen had breakfast with the guys in our home team at I-HOP. And he was so sweet and brought me home some yummy harvest nut pancakes. I told y'all he was sweeter than sugar. We made it to church this evening and went through Luke 15. What a great word! We followed it up with dinner... of course! We had a great dinner at Patrizio's. Me, Stephen, Mom, Dad, and Nicci chowin' down. It was all good... I know because we rotated plates so that we all could have a little taste. I think the waitress might have thought we were nuts! Then topped the whole thing off with dream bars from Potbellys and coffee from Nestle Toll House Cafe... yes we hit all the main spots. And man was it good. The weather was perfect and the company even better!

Praise the Lord for birthdays (again)! Praise the Lord for Pumpkins (again)! Praise the Lord for family! Praise the Lord for good yummy food! And Praise the Lord for versatile tools at Home Depot!

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