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Monday, January 26, 2009

Baby Bliss!

It is so exciting knowing we are having a little baby. Last weekend we got the crib!!! I am more than thrilled with it! We got it from Kid to Kid in Highland Village. Not expecting to get it that day, we did not have room in the car. We measured it and decided that we would come back in the truck. Well, those of you that don’t know me well, I try to be independent and am completely stubborn! Although my sweet father in love said that he would get the truck and come get it for me, I was determined that I could handle it… and handle it in my SUV. I measured and measured and was certain I could get it. So, as my sweet mother in love was trying to help the poor cashier from Kid to Kid shove the crib in my car, the phone rings… my dearest father in love… yeah, he had to come rescue me and my stubborn self with the truck. I was sure that I had measured correctly, but apparently not. That sucker is huge! But from the looks of it, we may have a fairly large baby to go with it. Now we just need to find out what this baby is going to be and we can begin painting!!!

Monday the 19th I had my doctor’s appointment. This one was one of the short and sweet visits… the next one we will have a sonogram and Stephen will be there to see our little one!!! His or her heartbeat was at 160 beats per minute! Unfortunately, I could not coax the doctor to letting us come in a week early to see what we are having a little sooner… I mean I have got to get Stephen on the nursery as soon as he gets home – no time to waist! So we decided that we would go to Window in the Womb to find out on the 7th and then our appointment on the 16th will just be to confirm. Yes, I am that impatient that I can’t wait 9 days! I just want to be able to call this baby by a name. Now we just have to pray that Stephen’s flight comes in on time, and that the baby’s legs are not crossed, and … just pray… the emotions are a little strong and it not working out the way I planed may not be pretty!
Things are moving along great. I just can’t wait for Stephen to get home and share all of this excitement with him! 11 days!!!

Praise the Lord for our new crib! Praise the Lord for sweet and understanding fathers! Praise the Lord for strong heartbeats! And Praise the Lord that I am only 11 days away from seeing my amazing husband!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

first of all...i LOVE kid to kid. and that crib is Adorable!

you are looking so cute! (and one last thing...i am that impatient too)