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Monday, October 13, 2008

3 Weeks

Well, this weekend marked the “I only have three more weeks with my husband before he leaves” weekend. I am becoming more and more sensitive each day – which is not amusing to Stephen what so ever. It is all so silly too, but I can’t control it for some reason. He will do something like open my door and I start to tear up. Seriously! How sweet is he to be doing these sweet little gestures and I get all emotional because in my mind I am thinking I won’t be able to enjoy those sweet acts for an entire year! How selfish am I? He is probably being extra sweet because he wants to enjoy this time and really he is just feeding this flame of my emotional mess! Slowly I am getting my self under control, I think.

We had a fun weekend of family events! Hayden and Davis had their party yesterday at Pump it Up, which was so fun. I just love getting to see all the kids run recklessly through that place. John Austin had two great baseball games- Go Red Socks! And Saturday there was a surprise 35th birthday party for Tiff and Marc. Anyone that was there, I will go ahead and apologize for my behavior… I proved that I cannot handle wine. You would think that three glasses wouldn’t cause too much damage, but apparently I don’t apply to that assumption.

This week is Stephen’s birthday week, and since we like to celebrate things big this should be an exciting week!

Praise the Lord for birthdays! Praise the Lord for family! Praise the Lord for forgiveness! And Praise the Lord for the next three weeks!


Callie said...

oh my gosh! you have a blog!!! HOW FUN!!!! Miss you guys and love you!!

Anonymous said...

Martha I love your blog...I wish I had time to take on something like this. I laughed when I read your first post about "maybe later when you have kids or something"...yea right, do it now while there is still time, cuz I promise there won't be when babies come!!! : )
Love you guys so much!